My fascination with clay started when I saw ancient Mediterranean transport amphorae in my childhood in Lebanon.
I attended ceramics classes at San Jose City College, masterclasses in Europe and Japan and it has been a continuous pursuit to understand and replicate the form and function of these vessels. I enjoy experimenting with forms and continue to be inspired by historical objects which have survived the test of time.
I draw inspiration from many modern artists and those who lived in antiquity.
I teach at Higher Fire Clay Space in San Jose and enjoy introducing others to the joys of clay.
My logo reflects my feelings about clay- about its permanence and ever lasting nature. I hope you enjoy my work.
Photo source: Monakhov, S.Iu.; Rogov, E.Ia. "Amphoras of the Panskoe I Necropolis [Amfory nekropolia Panskoe I]" AMA 7 (1990) 128--153.